release notes:

  Wow, PostgreSQL is at version 13, maybe it's time to kick
  Guile-PG 1.0 out the door.

README excerpt:

  Guile-PG is a collection of modules for Guile allowing access to
  the PostgreSQL RDBMS from Scheme programs.

  The low-level module ‘(database postgres)’ provides an almost
  one-to-one correspondence with the PostgreSQL "libpq" C library
  interface.  The other modules build on it to provide abstractions
  and convenience procedures.

NEWS excerpt:

  - 0.48 | 2020-10-26
    - bug report address documented
      See new chapter (info "(guile-pg) Reporting Bugs").
    - installation by default deletes the .la files
    - configuration changes
      - configure script tries to use pkg-config(1)
        The configure script now tries to use pkg-config(1) to determine
        directory values for the ‘-I’ and ‘-L’ compiler switches.  The
        standard way is still supported (see README).
      - configure-time ‘INITDB’ specification
        For "make check", you can specify to the configure script the
        initdb(1) program to use with option ‘INITDB=/path/to/initdb’.
        For example:
         ./configure INITDB=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/initdb
        This saves the value of ‘INITDB’ so you don't need to specify it
        manually for each "make check" invocation (see README).
    - builtin array variant types now have prefix-asterisk names
      Previously, the builtin array variant types had names that end
      in "[]" (i.e., one or more pairs of square braces).  These now
      have prefix-asterisk names.
       (was)              (now)
       text[]             *text
       text[][]           **text
       int4[]             *int4
       aclitem[]          *aclitem
      Furthermore, old-style names are no longer supported.  This is
      concomitant w/ dropping of ‘define-db-col-type-array-variant’
      (see below).
    - dropped items
      All these were announced in Guile-PG 0.47 (2015-02-23).
      - module ‘(database postgres-resdisp)’
      - proc ‘(database postgres) pg-lo-read’
      - procs in module ‘(database postgres-types)’
        - ‘dbcoltypes’
        - ‘dbcoltype-lookup’
        - ‘dbcoltype:stringifier’
        - ‘dbcoltype:default’
        - ‘dbcoltype:objectifier’
        - ‘define-db-col-type-array-variant’
    - testing improvements
      Actually test ‘pg-lo-seek’ now.  Previously, the test was NOP.
      Also, test ‘idquote’, plus some other infrastructure-related
    - bootstrap/maintenance tools
       Guile-BAUX 20200129.1051.1679aca
       GNU gnulib 2020-10-19 23:37:09
       GNU texinfo 6.7
       GNU Automake 1.16.2
       GNU Autoconf 2.69c
       GNU Guile 2.0.13
      as before:

tarball in dir:


Thien-Thi Nguyen -----------------------------------------------
 (defun responsep (query)               ; (2020) Software Libero
   (pcase (context query)               ;       = Dissenso Etico
     (`(technical ,ml) (correctp ml))
     ...))                              748E A0E8 1CB8 A748 9BFA
--------------------------------------- 6CE4 6703 2224 4C80 7502

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