
I'm in the process of updating a body of old code from guile 1.8.8 to
either guile 2 or 3.  Ideally it would be great if the final code
could run on both version 2 and version 3.

When I first started looking at the problem I was hitting hundreds of
warnings like:

  ..... warning: possibly unbound variable `blah'

along with lots of the expected unknown procedures as you might

So, I started working through the issues.  In a (probably stupid) move
I started passing `--no-auto-compile' on the guile command line.
After a few days of hacking I actually managed to get the code running

But then I remembered about the `--no-auto-compile' and figured I
should probably remove that.  At which point I ran into a few

Here's a small (contrived) example, which I think is representative of
at least the first big problem I need to work around.  Imagine two

--- START: loader.scm  ---

(define (load-files)
  (load "loadee.scm"))


(display (blah abc))

--- END: loader.scm  ---

--- START: loadee.scm ---

(define (process-name name)
  (symbol-append name '-tail))

(defmacro blah (name)
  (let ((new-name (process-name name)))
    `(quote ,new-name)))

--- END: loadee.scm ---

This works fine when run as:

  guile --no-auto-compile -s loader.scm

But, when with the compiler I get:

  $ guile -s loader.scm
  ;;; note: auto-compilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0
  ;;;       or pass the --no-auto-compile argument to disable.
  ;;; compiling /tmp/loader.scm
  ;;; /tmp/loader.scm:6:9: warning: possibly unbound variable `blah'
  ;;; /tmp/loader.scm:6:9: warning: possibly unbound variable `abc'
  ;;; compiled <snip>
  ;;; compiling /tmp/loadee.scm
  ;;; compiled <snip>
             5 (apply-smob/1 #<catch-closure 1a751c0>)
  In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
      705:2  4 (call-with-prompt _ _ #<procedure default-prompt-handle…>)
  In ice-9/eval.scm:
      619:8  3 (_ #(#(#<directory (guile-user) 1b44140>)))
  In ice-9/boot-9.scm:
     2312:4  2 (save-module-excursion _)
    3832:12  1 (_)
  In /tmp/loader.scm:
        4:0  0 (_)

  /tmp/loader.scm:4:0: In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: abc

My understanding of what's happening here is that macros are expanded
at compile time, while load is a run-time thing, which is happening
after compilation.  Hence why 'blah' and 'abc' are considered possibly

Then in the compiled code the '(blah abc)' has not been macro
expanded, and so the argument is first being evaluated, which leads to
the error.

I read the manual on 'Local Inclusion'[1] and this seems to line up
with my understanding of the problem.  It even makes special mention
that using (include "...") instead of (load "....") will allow for the
loadee to provide macros to the loader.

One problem is that the program, as its currently written, makes
significant use of the run-time nature of load in order to configure
the program state.

If I do switch to using (include "...") then I run into problems with
the macros, as in loadee, where the macro blah makes use of
process-names.  Which again (as I understand it), at macro expand time
process-names will not be defined, and so this causes problems.

It feels frustratingly close that I can run the program with the
compiler off, but not with it on.  I suspect there's still some way to
go in order to make things really guile 2/3 ready.  So, is it possible
for me to force the compiler off from within the program itself?  This
would allow me to make a first step from 1.8.8 to 2/3 (compiler off),
and then work on moving to compiler on after that.

Finally, I assume the model for how guile loads, expands, executes
changed between v1 and v2.  Is there any specific hints/tips for how
to make the transition?

Any help and advice offered would be gratefully received.


[1] https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/guile.html#Local-Inclusion

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