On Sat, 06 Mar 2021, Taylan Kammer <taylan.kam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 06.03.2021 01:31, Olivier Dion via General Guile related discussions
> wrote:
>> You've quoted the whole s-exp.  Which means lambda is never applied.
>> You have to apply lambda in order to create a procedure.
> Just a bit of pedantry on the terms: 'lambda' is not "applied" anyway,
> because it's a special form and not a procedure.
> The term "apply" is used when referring to procedures.  E.g. you would
> apply 'list', 'cons', 'vector-ref' and so on, but you wouldn't apply
> 'lambda', 'if', 'define' and so on.
> In other words, if you can pass it as an argument to 'apply', you can
> "apply" it.  E.g. '(apply lambda (list ...))' is invalid syntax.
> I think the term "evaluate" would be preferred here, as in: "the
> 'lambda' is quoted so it won't be evaluated."

You're totally right!  Lambda is evaluated to a closure.  The latter is
then applied to evaluate its expressions in the captured environment.  

The following video explains the metacircular evaluator in great
details! Highly recommend all other lectures as well :-) 

> - Taylan
Olivier Dion

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