sorry i miss copy to mailing list...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Damien Mattei <>
Date: Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: reserved-keyword in macro
To: Maxime Devos <>

thanks maxim ,it works so my problem come from elsewhere

scheme@(guile-user)> (define-syntax macro
  (syntax-rules (reserved-keyword)
    ((_ reserved-keyword arg) 'first)
... ((_ arg1 arg2) 'second)))
scheme@(guile-user)> (macro 4 5)
scheme@(guile-user)> (macro reserved-keyword 5)

this was a simplified example my real case is this:
(define-syntax <-

  (syntax-rules ($bracket-apply$)

    ;;  special form like : (<- ($bracket-apply$ T 3) ($bracket-apply$ T 4))

    ;; one dimension array, example: {a[4] <- 7}
    ;; $bracket-apply$ of SRFI 105
    ((_ ($bracket-apply$ container index) expr)
     (let ((value expr)) ;; to avoid compute it twice

       ;; (if (equal? (quote $bracket-apply$) (quote funct-or-macro)) ;;
test funct-or-macro equal $bracket-apply$

       ;; normal case
       ;; {T[2] <- 4}
       ;; {T[3] <- T[2]}
       ;;(display "<- : vector or array set! or hash-table set!") (newline)
       (cond ((vector? container) (vector-set! container index value))
    ((hash-table? container) (hash-table-set! container index value))
    (else (array-set! container index value)));)

       ;; rare case  (to prevent any error)
       ;; (let ((var (funct-or-macro container index))) ;; MUST be in a
variable , otherwise:
       ;; While compiling expression:
       ;;  Syntax error:
       ;;  unknown location: quote: bad syntax in form quote
       ;; <- : variable set! after creation
       ;;  (set! var value)))


    ;; multi dimensions array :  {a[2 4] <- 7}
    ;; $bracket-apply$ of SRFI 105
    ((_ ($bracket-apply$ array index1 index2 ...) expr)
     (let ((value expr)) ;; to avoid compute it twice

       ;; (if (equal? (quote $bracket-apply$) (quote funct-or-macro)) ;;
test funct-or-macro equal $bracket-apply$
       ;; normal case
       ;;(display "<- : multidimensional vector or array set!") (newline)
       (if (vector? array)
  (array-n-dim-set! array value index1 index2 ...)
  (array-set! array index1 index2 ... value));)

;; rare case (to prevent any error)
;; (let ((var (funct-or-macro array index ...))) ;; MUST be in a variable
;;   (display "<- : variable set! after creation (multidimensional)")
;;   (set! var value)))

     ;; not sure this case will be usefull
    ;;  (define (foo) (values 1 2 3))
    ;; (call-with-values foo list)
    ;;'(1 2 3)
    ;;  (define (foo) (display "inside foo") (newline) (values 1 2 3))
;; > (declare x y z)
;; > (<- (x y z) (foo))
    ;; ((_ (funct-or-macro arg ...) expr)
    ;;  (let ((var (funct-or-macro arg ...))
    ;;   (value expr)) ;; to avoid compute it twice
    ;;    (set! var value)
    ;;    var))

    ((_ (var ...) expr)
     (display expr) (newline)
     (let ((expr-list (call-with-values (lambda () expr) list)))

       (assign-var (var ...) expr-list)

    ;;(<- x 5)
    ((_ var expr)

       ;;(display "<- : variable set!") (newline)
       (set! var expr)

    ;; (declare x y z t)
    ;; {x <- y <- z <- t <- 7}
    ;; 7
    ;; (list x y z t)
    ;; (7 7 7 7)

    ;; (declare I)
    ;; {I <- (make-array 0 4 4)}
    ;; #2((0 0 0 0)
    ;;    (0 0 0 0)
    ;;    (0 0 0 0)
    ;;    (0 0 0 0))
    ;; {I[0 0] <- I[1 1] <- I[2 2] <- I[3 3] <- 1}
    ;; 1
    ;; I
    ;; #2((1 0 0 0)
    ;;    (0 1 0 0)
    ;;    (0 0 1 0)
    ;;    (0 0 0 1))

    ((_ var var1 var2 ...) ;; there is an expression in the last part of
     (<- var (<- var1 var2 ...)))


;; > (declare x y z)
;; > (assign-var (x y z) (1 2 3))
;; > x
;; 1
;; > y
;; 2
;; > z
;; 3
(define-syntax assign-var
  (syntax-rules ()

    ((_ (var ...) (exp ...)) (begin (set! var exp) ...))))

i'm cross developping in Guile and Racket and i'm sure Guile will do as
Racket and here is the result:

Bienvenue dans DrRacket, version 7.7 [3m].
Langage: reader "../SRFI/SRFI-105.rkt", avec débogage; limite mémoire : 128
> (declare x y z)
> (define (foo) (display "inside foo") (newline) (values 1 2 3))
> (<- (x y z) (foo))
inside foo
. .
result arity mismatch;
 expected number of values not received
  expected: 1
  received: 3
> (define T (make-vector 5))
> {T[2] <- 1}
. ../required-files/assignment.rkt:140:7: assign-var: bad syntax in:
(assign-var ($bracket-apply$ T 2) expr-list)
> (<- T[2] 1)
. ../required-files/assignment.rkt:140:7: assign-var: bad syntax in:
(assign-var (2) expr-list)
> (<- ($bracket-apply$ T 2) 1)
. ../required-files/assignment.rkt:140:7: assign-var: bad syntax in:
(assign-var ($bracket-apply$ T 2) expr-list)

the problem is that anyway i do it when using reserved keyword in
define-syntax the macro use the third case:
(_ (var ...) expr)
even when i have :

(syntax-rules ($bracket-apply$)

    ;;  special form like : (<- ($bracket-apply$ T 3) ($bracket-apply$ T 4))

    ;; one dimension array, example: {a[4] <- 7}
    ;; $bracket-apply$ of SRFI 105
    ((_ ($bracket-apply$ container index) expr)

with (<- ($bracket-apply$ T 2) 1) entered at toplevel i should not be in
the third case but the first of the macro <-

that is strange... i think i could not get help from mailing list on a so
complex example that rely on my Scheme+ development for multiple values
return (aka let-values replacment with <- ),
sorry for the inconvenience

On Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 11:33 AM Maxime Devos <> wrote:

> Damien Mattei schreef op wo 02-02-2022 om 11:13 [+0100]:
> > (define-syntax macro
> >   (syntax-rules ()
> > ((_ arg1 arg2) code1)
> > ((_ reserved-keyword arg) code2)))
> The rules are matched in-order, so when the first rule matches, the
> second rule is ignored.  I suggest:
> (define-syntax macro
>   (syntax-rules (reserved-keyword)
>     ((_ reserved-keyword arg) code2)
>     ((_ arg1 arg2) code1)))
> Greetings,
> Maxime

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