On 2/7/22 03:11, David Pirotte wrote:

I find using Guix to be much better than the ./configure && make &&
make stuff. The reason is, that I always think: "What, if it doesn't
work and I want to clean up my system afterwards?". I can't stand it,
if any remains of non-working stuff is left on the system.
        make -p does-it-work/foo
        ./configure --prefix=$HOME/does-it-work/foo
        make; make check; make install
        # try it ...

        # you like it, keep it or redo the above with what ever $prefix
        # suites you

        # you don't like it
        rm -rf $HOME/does-it-work/foo


Hi David!

That seems like a good option! Thanks.
I guess I would still depend on the Makefile to be properly written to not put 
stuff elsewhere. But then again I might be relying on that anyway, when 
installing things using Guix.


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