On 22/07/05 11:14am, Munyoki Kilyungi wrote:
> James Crake-Merani <ja...@jamescm.co.uk>
> anaandika:
> [...]
> > Hi,
> >
> > The reason why I have been a bit reluctant to use GNU Guix for this
> > sort of thing is that the distro I use is not Guix but rather Arch
> > Linux.
> I run Arch Linux + GNU Guix (as a package manager)
> and it's a nice experience.  I use GNU Guix as my
> primary package manager.  I'd recommend you give
> it a try ;)
> > I do intend to try out GNU Guix in the future but at the moment
> > I have lots of other things to do. I am aware Guix does work on
> > foreign distros but I will need to learn how to use it first.
> >
> > I understand what you say regarding Guile Hall. I too do not
> > understand the autotools machinery but it did seem simple to setup
> > without that understanding. Thanks for sharing your repository.
> >
> Worth mentioning that GNU Guix provides facilities
> for bundling packages using "guix pack".  You
> could provide "tar.gz" files, or even bundle
> things inside docker/squashfs containers for easy
> distribution without requiring your end-user to
> download anything extra. For more read:
> <https://guix.gnu.org/manual/en/html_node/Invoking-guix-pack.html#Invoking-guix-pack>
> [...]
> -- 
> (Life is like a pencil that will surely run out,
>     but will leave the beautiful writing of life.)
> (D4F09EB110177E03C28E2FE1F5BBAE1E0392253F
>     (hkp://keys.gnupg.net))


Thanks for letting me know! I will have a look at that.

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