Le 24/07/2022 à 14:26, Jean Abou Samra a écrit :

For context, I'm trying to fix issues with source locations
from embedded Scheme code in LilyPond. Essentially, with
Guile 2.2, errors are displayed without any source location
info because the evaluator doesn't provide them. The compiler
does, so I'm investigating whether we can use it.

So far, I've been experimenting in the REPL, and tearing my
hair because I couldn't get locations to work. My test started
to become inconvenient to modify in the REPL at some point,
so I switched to putting that code in a .scm file. To my
great surprise, that made locations suddenly work.


(use-modules (system base compile))

(define code-str
  (debug-disable 'backtrace)
  (define (func1 x)
    (func2 x)
    (func2 x)
    (func2 x))

  (define (func2 x)
    (display (func3 x))
    (write (func3 x))
    (map write (func3 x)))

  (define (func3 x)
    (error \"Oops\"))

  (func1 #f))

(define code-synt
   (lambda (port)
     (set-port-filename! port "fake.scm")
     (read-syntax port))))

(compile code-synt)

When I paste this in the REPL, the given error is

ice-9/boot-9.scm:1685:16: In procedure raise-exception:

When I put it in tests.scm and run "guile3.0 tests.scm",
the error is

fake.scm:15:4: In procedure func1:

When I put it in a LilyPond file, the result is


(without any location info at all).

Does anyone have a clue about what causes these differences?
Is it expected? Should I report it as a bug? Also, is there a

Well, 10 minutes later, I have my answer. Both the REPL and LilyPond
use catch to be robust against errors, printing the backtraces but
not exiting themselves. I need to investigate if there is a way
to get the location when catching an exception.

Sorry for the noise,

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