
When Matrix users (from any homeserver) try to send messages on #guile:libera.chat, the messages do not reach #guile on IRC/libera. Evidency: me @yuu:matrix.org and other users tried sending messages on #guile:libera.chat[1] but none of them got logged[2], and no user from libera.cha replied including @sneek:libera.chat when we tried `!uptime` and `sneek: botsnack`. Messages from Matrix seemed to be reaching #guile:libera.chat at least until 2022-04-05 https://logs.guix.gnu.org/guile/search?query=%5Bm%5D though.

Is it possible to the #guile libera owners/admins to take a look at this issue? Or at least to give an expalantion if this is an intentional shadowban?

- [1] https://logs.guix.gnu.org/guile/2022-08-05.log
- [2] https://matrix.to/#/!toRQYjhVZNghEfXJTx:libera.chat/$f__msqw6h0gfALhOpTWgvXTAee5WBPBJKdrE4MZTcwM?via=libera.chat&via=matrix.org&via=tchncs.de

Yuu Yin

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