Hello Damien,

On 10/14/22 10:21, Damien Mattei wrote:
yes Zelphir i think there is a problem in the threading part of guile, whatever the code is ,it run well the first time, and after is unstable. Long ago at the very begin of Java language on my master project at university i experienced same problem with Java "green" threads, under windows and/or linux ,i can't remember.

I'm trying your code and future, which have perheaps also the portability with other schemes, future can provide "light" // , with carefull code it could be ok.

in your segment.scm code ,is segment-count possibly replaced by the number of available CPUs or nodes, if i understand well?


Correct. For each segment one future is used.

However, there are scenarios, where one would rather want to interleave the numbers of the whole range, to have a "fairer" workload per future, for example:

(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)

-> (1 4 7), (2 5 8), (3 6 9)

instead of

-> (1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9)

(I seem to remember this to be the case for Mandelbrot set calculations, but might be wrong.)

But that is all a matter of forming some segments and what a segment is, not really part of the logic of creating futures. So one could create then in any way that fits ones use-case. I have not generalized that segment logic that far, but it is doable.

Anyway, if anyone more knowledgeable could chime in on what the performance differences between futures and parallel map are, that would be great! Or pointing out some flaws that this kind of future usage might have. Or when the point is reached to switch to guile-fibers library.



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