[[[ Hiermit widerspreche ich ausdrücklich der Erfassung, Speicherung
und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zu anderen Zwecken, als der Zustellung
meiner Nachricht zum Empfänger ]]]

Hello, G-Golfers,
hello, Guile users,

By the way running G-Golf in a shell environment yields different errors.

So, I executed this
$ guix shell guile-g-golf gtk
$ ./hello-world.scm

And got this output[1]

> […]
> In oop/goops.scm:01
>  1567:11  1 (cache-miss #<<gtk-application> 7f826c644120> ("./hell…"))
>   1585:2  0 (_ _ _)

> oop/goops.scm:1585:2: No applicable method for #<<generic> g-application-run (1)> in call (g-application-run #<<gtk-application> 7f826c644120> ("./hello-world.scm"))

Does anyone know why this is different this time?

Kind regards,


[1] Full output here https://etherpad.belug.de/etherpad/p/g-golf

Am 28.05.23 um 11:56 schrieb Erik Grun:
[[[ Hiermit widerspreche ich ausdrücklich der Erfassung, Speicherung
und Verarbeitung meiner Daten zu anderen Zwecken, als der Zustellung
meiner Nachricht zum Empfänger ]]]

Hello, G-Golfers,

I have some troubles getting G-Golf to run.

I am using Guix on Fedora 38. Via Guix I tried to install G-Golf version "a.1"[0] together with GTK@4.8.1. This raised a conflict during installation, as GTK (as well as libadwaita) require glib@2.72.3, but g-golf requires glib@2.73.3. After some research I found the "--with-input" option in Guix and build "g-golf" locally with glib@2.72.3 (GTKs requirement) and then did a "guix install" on the local version (/gnu/store/…/guile-g-golf…).

So after a successful? installation I tried to execute the "Hello World" example[1] and got this message (posting last 4 lines, full output here[2])

 > […]
 > In g-golf/gi/repository.scm:
 >     99:2  0 (g-irepository-require _ #:version _ #:repository _)

 > g-golf/gi/repository.scm:99:2: In procedure g-irepository-require:
 > Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '4.8.1' not found

And this is where I am stuck.

I tried commenting out this line in "hello-world.scm":
 >  (g-irepository-require "Gtk" #:version "4.0")

Even installing GTK4 (gtk4-devel) from Fedoras own repo didn't help.

Do you have an idea how to fix this?

Kind regards,

Erik (egnun)

[0] Which seems to be outdated?
[1] http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/g-golf.git/tree/examples/gtk-4/hello-world.scm
[2] https://etherpad.belug.de/etherpad/p/g-golf

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