On 2023-06-09 16:33:56 -0300, David Pirotte wrote:
> > > That is pretty embarrassing mistake on my part, the link is:
> > > https://www.erikedrosa.com/2017/10/29/guile-projects-with-autotools.html
> Very good tutorial and project structure ... which you may 'complete'
> looking at some existing project(s) you 'like' ...
> Fwiw, guile-hall is another option, excellent as well - though I think
> it won't cover everything you need if you have to write part of the
> project code in C (hopefully not, but sometimes it is just
> 'inevitable'):
>       https://gitlab.com/a-sassmannshausen/guile-hall/
> David

I will reply just to this single message in order not to spam the list too much,
but I just want to thanks everyone for advises and suggestions. :)


There are only two hard things in Computer Science:
cache invalidation, naming things and off-by-one errors.

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