Hi Folks!
I'd like to introduce our new project named screaming-fist which is a JIT
framework based on libgccjit.

The project is still preliminary, but the POC could run.

The basic idea is to hide the JIT details and let users write Scheme-like
code for JIT on the fly.

here's the simple code:
(import (screaming-fist jit))

(jit-define (square x)
  (:anno: (int) -> int)
  (* x x))
(square 5)

;; ==> 25

And you can dump IR, say, gimple:

(import (screaming-fist utils) (screaming-fist jit))
(parameterize ((dump-mode "gimple"))
 (jit-define (square x)
  (:anno: (int) -> int)
  (* x x)))


The possible output could be:


int square (int x){
  int D.79;

  D.79 = x * x;
  return D.79;}


The branching and looping codegen is still under debugging.

Here's the project page:


Happy hacking!

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