Hi Aleix,

> ...
> Anyways, guile-cairo is fine going back to stable 3.0.9.

Ok, so just to make sure, now both the gtk4/simple-paintable.scm and
gtk4/animated-paintable.scm examples work fine on 'your' platform as

> > - drawing-widget.scm, peg-solitaire.scm.
> > ...

> The issue seems to be here:

> (define-vfunc (snapshot-vfunc (self <drawing-widget>) snapshot)
>   #t)


And does that works? It should, but/and obviously not drawing
anything, but no bug/no crash?


Can you try, in a repl:

  ,use (g-golf)
  (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "Widget")
  $5 = #<<gobject-class> <gtk-widget> 7fe9c1681d20>

  (gi-import-by-name "Gtk" "init")
  $6 = #<<function> 7fe9c1555360>

  $7 = #<pointer 0x560e4855d1c0>

        ;; below you'd substitute the $7 appropriately if for some
        ;; reason you happen to have a diff repl var $<id> flow,
        ;; you need the result of (graphene-rect-alloc)

  (graphene-rect-init $7 0 0 50 50)
  $8 = #<pointer 0x560e4855d1c0>


Let's see, but if all the above work, can you poste the error you get
with no modification of the upstream version of the example, or does it

If no segfault, in a repl:

  (load "<your-golf-repo-path>/examples/gtk-4/drawing-widget.scm")
  (main '())
  => error

  ,bt #:width 1000 #:full? #t

If it segfault, we'd need to get a gdb backtrace - would that be


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