NYACC, for Not Yet Another Compiler Compiler, is set of guile modules for
generating parsers and lexical analyzers.  It also provides sample parsers
and pretty-printers using SXML trees as an intermediate representation.

It provides a decent C parser and a `FFI Helper' tool to help create
Guile Scheme bindings for C-based libraries.

It provides (partially implemented) compilers based on above mentioned
parsers to allow execution with Guile as extension languages.

* fixed bug in compile-ffi: it no longer compiles all dependencies
* for function types, convert callback args to cdata types where
  applicable; was only for enums
* crude implementation of code->sexp in (nyacc lang c99 ffi-help-cd):
  This is just a start: convert c code string to ctypes.

NYACC maturity is production/stable level.

NYACC is free software; the full source distribution is available through

* the tarball repository:

* the git repository:

home page, project page and user's guides:
* https://www.nongnu.org/nyacc
* https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/nyacc
* https://www.nongnu.org/nyacc/nyacc-ug.html
* https://www.nongnu.org/nyacc/ffi-help.html

Report bugs:
* https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=nyacc

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