Mark H Weaver <> skribis:

> (Ludovic Courtès) writes:
>> Commit d43eb49 updates the Nix sub-module that provides the daemon’s
>> C++ code.
>> To update, run:
>>   ( cd nix ; ./sync-with-upstream )
>>   autoreconf -vfi
>>   ./configure ... && make && make check
> A few of us ran into problems with these instructions.  It led to:
>   "No rule to make target `nix/libutil/', needed by
>    `nix/libutil/libutil_a-affinity.o'."
> We had to run "git submodule update", and then follow Ludovic's
> instructions again from the top.

Oh right, sorry.  I thought ‘sync-with-upstream’ did that.


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