> For simplicity, change this pattern to ("1" id body).  That will allow
> the inner ‘cond’ to be simplified.

I like informative error messages, may I keep it please?  The attached
diff should address all the things you mentioned except this one.
Please review.

I’m planning to send a proper patch as soon as I test (guix base64) and
change a couple of things in (test-substitute-binary).

diff --git a/guix/base64.scm b/guix/base64.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f7f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guix/base64.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+;; -*- mode: scheme; coding: utf-8 -*-
+;; This module was renamed from (weinholt text base64 (1 0 20100612)) to
+;; (guix base64) by Nikita Karetnikov <nik...@karetnikov.org> on
+;; February 12, 2014.
+;; Copyright © 2009, 2010 Göran Weinholt <go...@weinholt.se>
+;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;; RFC 4648 Base-N Encodings
+(library (guix base64)
+  (export base64-encode
+          base64-decode
+          base64-alphabet
+          base64url-alphabet
+          get-delimited-base64
+          put-delimited-base64)
+  (import (rnrs)
+          (only (srfi :13 strings)
+                string-index
+                string-prefix? string-suffix?
+                string-concatenate string-trim-both))
+  (define base64-alphabet
+    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/")
+  (define base64url-alphabet
+    "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_")
+  (define base64-encode
+    (case-lambda
+      ;; Simple interface. Returns a string containing the canonical
+      ;; base64 representation of the given bytevector.
+      ((bv)
+       (base64-encode bv 0 (bytevector-length bv) #f #f base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((bv start)
+       (base64-encode bv start (bytevector-length bv) #f #f base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((bv start end)
+       (base64-encode bv start end #f #f base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((bv start end line-length)
+       (base64-encode bv start end line-length #f base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((bv start end line-length no-padding)
+       (base64-encode bv start end line-length no-padding base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((bv start end line-length no-padding alphabet)
+       (base64-encode bv start end line-length no-padding alphabet #f))
+      ;; Base64 encodes the bytes [start,end[ in the given bytevector.
+      ;; Lines are limited to line-length characters (unless #f),
+      ;; which must be a multiple of four. To omit the padding
+      ;; characters (#\=) set no-padding to a true value. If port is
+      ;; #f, returns a string.
+      ((bv start end line-length no-padding alphabet port)
+       (assert (or (not line-length) (zero? (mod line-length 4))))
+       (let-values (((p extract) (if port
+                                     (values port (lambda () (values)))
+                                     (open-string-output-port))))
+         (letrec ((put (if line-length
+                           (let ((chars 0))
+                             (lambda (p c)
+                               (when (fx=? chars line-length)
+                                 (set! chars 0)
+                                 (put-char p #\linefeed))
+                               (set! chars (fx+ chars 1))
+                               (put-char p c)))
+                           put-char)))
+           (let lp ((i start))
+             (cond ((= i end))
+                   ((<= (+ i 3) end)
+                    (let ((x (bytevector-uint-ref bv i (endianness big) 3)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 18 24)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 12 18)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 6 12)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 0 6)))
+                      (lp (+ i 3))))
+                   ((<= (+ i 2) end)
+                    (let ((x (fxarithmetic-shift-left (bytevector-u16-ref bv i (endianness big)) 8)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 18 24)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 12 18)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 6 12)))
+                      (unless no-padding
+                        (put p #\=))))
+                   (else
+                    (let ((x (fxarithmetic-shift-left (bytevector-u8-ref bv i) 16)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 18 24)))
+                      (put p (string-ref alphabet (fxbit-field x 12 18)))
+                      (unless no-padding
+                        (put p #\=)
+                        (put p #\=)))))))
+         (extract)))))
+  ;; Decodes a base64 string. The string must contain only pure
+  ;; unpadded base64 data.
+  (define base64-decode
+    (case-lambda
+      ((str)
+       (base64-decode str base64-alphabet #f))
+      ((str alphabet)
+       (base64-decode str alphabet #f))
+      ((str alphabet port)
+       (unless (zero? (mod (string-length str) 4))
+         (error 'base64-decode
+                "input string must be a multiple of four characters"))
+       (let-values (((p extract) (if port
+                                     (values port (lambda () (values)))
+                                     (open-bytevector-output-port))))
+         (do ((i 0 (+ i 4)))
+             ((= i (string-length str))
+              (extract))
+           (let ((c1 (string-ref str i))
+                 (c2 (string-ref str (+ i 1)))
+                 (c3 (string-ref str (+ i 2)))
+                 (c4 (string-ref str (+ i 3))))
+             ;; TODO: be more clever than string-index
+             (let ((i1 (string-index alphabet c1))
+                   (i2 (string-index alphabet c2))
+                   (i3 (string-index alphabet c3))
+                   (i4 (string-index alphabet c4)))
+               (cond ((and i1 i2 i3 i4)
+                      (let ((x (fxior (fxarithmetic-shift-left i1 18)
+                                      (fxarithmetic-shift-left i2 12)
+                                      (fxarithmetic-shift-left i3 6)
+                                      i4)))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 16 24))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 8 16))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 0 8))))
+                     ((and i1 i2 i3 (char=? c4 #\=)
+                           (= i (- (string-length str) 4)))
+                      (let ((x (fxior (fxarithmetic-shift-left i1 18)
+                                      (fxarithmetic-shift-left i2 12)
+                                      (fxarithmetic-shift-left i3 6))))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 16 24))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 8 16))))
+                     ((and i1 i2 (char=? c3 #\=) (char=? c4 #\=)
+                           (= i (- (string-length str) 4)))
+                      (let ((x (fxior (fxarithmetic-shift-left i1 18)
+                                      (fxarithmetic-shift-left i2 12))))
+                        (put-u8 p (fxbit-field x 16 24))))
+                     (else
+                      (error 'base64-decode "invalid input"
+                             (list c1 c2 c3 c4)))))))))))
+  (define (get-line-comp f port)
+    (if (port-eof? port)
+        (eof-object)
+        (f (get-line port))))
+  ;; Reads the common -----BEGIN/END type----- delimited format from
+  ;; the given port. Returns two values: a string with the type and a
+  ;; bytevector containing the base64 decoded data. The second value
+  ;; is the eof object if there is an eof before the BEGIN delimiter.
+  (define (get-delimited-base64 port)
+    (define (get-first-data-line port)
+      ;; Some MIME data has header fields in the same format as mail
+      ;; or http. These are ignored.
+      (let ((line (get-line-comp string-trim-both port)))
+        (cond ((eof-object? line) line)
+              ((string-index line #\:)
+               (let lp ()               ;read until empty line
+                 (let ((line (get-line-comp string-trim-both port)))
+                   (if (string=? line "")
+                       (get-line-comp string-trim-both port)
+                       (lp)))))
+              (else line))))
+    (let ((line (get-line-comp string-trim-both port)))
+      (cond ((eof-object? line)
+             (values "" (eof-object)))
+            ((string=? line "")
+             (get-delimited-base64 port))
+            ((and (string-prefix? "-----BEGIN " line)
+                  (string-suffix? "-----" line))
+             (let* ((type (substring line 11 (- (string-length line) 5)))
+                    (endline (string-append "-----END " type "-----")))
+               (let-values (((outp extract) (open-bytevector-output-port)))
+                 (let lp ((line (get-first-data-line port)))
+                   (cond ((eof-object? line)
+                          (error 'get-delimited-base64
+                                 "unexpected end of file"))
+                         ((string-prefix? "-" line)
+                          (unless (string=? line endline)
+                            (error 'get-delimited-base64
+                                   "bad end delimiter" type line))
+                          (values type (extract)))
+                         (else
+                          (unless (and (= (string-length line) 5)
+                                       (string-prefix? "=" line)) ;Skip Radix-64 checksum
+                            (base64-decode line base64-alphabet outp))
+                          (lp (get-line-comp string-trim-both port))))))))
+            (else ;skip garbage (like in openssl x509 -in foo -text output).
+             (get-delimited-base64 port)))))
+  (define put-delimited-base64
+    (case-lambda
+      ((port type bv line-length)
+       (display (string-append "-----BEGIN " type "-----\n") port)
+       (base64-encode bv 0 (bytevector-length bv)
+                      line-length #f base64-alphabet port)
+       (display (string-append "\n-----END " type "-----\n") port))
+      ((port type bv)
+       (put-delimited-base64 port type bv 76)))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/guix/scripts/substitute-binary.scm b/guix/scripts/substitute-binary.scm
index 3aaa1c4..90251dd 100755
--- a/guix/scripts/substitute-binary.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/substitute-binary.scm
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 ;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
 ;;; Copyright © 2013, 2014 Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org>
+;;; Copyright © 2014 Nikita Karetnikov <nik...@karetnikov.org>
 ;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@
   #:use-module (guix config)
   #:use-module (guix records)
   #:use-module (guix nar)
+  #:use-module (guix hash)
+  #:use-module (guix base64)
+  #:use-module (guix pk-crypto)
+  #:use-module (guix pki)
   #:use-module ((guix build utils) #:select (mkdir-p))
   #:use-module ((guix build download)
                 #:select (progress-proc uri-abbreviation))
@@ -33,6 +38,8 @@
   #:use-module (ice-9 format)
   #:use-module (ice-9 ftw)
   #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
+  #:use-module (rnrs io ports)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-11)
@@ -40,7 +47,11 @@
   #:use-module (srfi srfi-26)
   #:use-module (web uri)
   #:use-module (guix http-client)
-  #:export (guix-substitute-binary))
+  #:export (parse-signature
+            verify-signature
+            read-narinfo
+            write-narinfo
+            guix-substitute-binary))
 ;;; Comment:
@@ -185,7 +196,7 @@ failure."
 (define-record-type <narinfo>
   (%make-narinfo path uri compression file-hash file-size nar-hash nar-size
-                 references deriver system)
+                 references deriver system signature contents)
   (path         narinfo-path)
   (uri          narinfo-uri)
@@ -196,15 +207,49 @@ failure."
   (nar-size     narinfo-size)
   (references   narinfo-references)
   (deriver      narinfo-deriver)
-  (system       narinfo-system))
-(define (narinfo-maker cache-url)
-  "Return a narinfo constructor for narinfos originating from CACHE-URL."
+  (system       narinfo-system)
+  (signature    narinfo-signature)
+  ;; The original contents of a narinfo file.  This field is needed because we
+  ;; want to preserve the initial order of fields for verification purposes.
+  ;; See <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/guix-devel/2014-02/msg00340.html>
+  ;; for more information.
+  (contents     narinfo-contents))
+(define (parse-signature str)
+  "Parse the Signature field of a narinfo file."
+  (match (string-split str #\;)
+    ((version _ sig)
+     (let ((maybe-number (string->number version)))
+       (cond ((not (number? maybe-number))
+              (leave (_ "signature version must be a number: ~a~%")
+                     version))
+             ;; Currently, there are no other versions.
+             ((not (= 1 maybe-number))
+              (leave (_ "unsupported signature version: ~a~%")
+                     maybe-number))
+             (else (string->canonical-sexp
+                    (utf8->string (base64-decode sig)))))))
+    (x
+     (leave (_ "invalid format of the signature field: ~a~%") x))))
+(define* (verify-signature sig #:optional (acl (current-acl)))
+  "Verify the signature (a canonical-sexp) of a narinfo file."
+  (let ((key (signature-subject sig)))
+    (cond ((not (authorized-key? key acl))
+           (leave (_ "unauthorized public key: ~a~%")
+                  (canonical-sexp->string key)))
+          ((not (valid-signature? sig))
+           (leave (_ "invalid signature: ~a~%")
+                  (canonical-sexp->string sig)))
+          (else sig))))
+(define (narinfo-maker str cache-url)
+  "Return a narinfo constructor for narinfos originating from CACHE-URL.  STR
+must contain the original contents of a narinfo file."
   (lambda (path url compression file-hash file-size nar-hash nar-size
-                references deriver system)
+                references deriver system signature)
     "Return a new <narinfo> object."
     (%make-narinfo path
                    ;; Handle the case where URL is a relative URL.
                    (or (string->uri url)
                        (string->uri (string-append cache-url "/" url)))
@@ -217,45 +262,39 @@ failure."
                    (match deriver
                      ((or #f "") #f)
                      (_ deriver))
-                   system)))
+                   system
+                   (parse-signature signature)
+                   str)))
-(define* (read-narinfo port #:optional url)
+(define* (read-narinfo port #:optional url (acl (current-acl)))
   "Read a narinfo from PORT in its standard external form.  If URL is true, it
 must be a string used to build full URIs from relative URIs found while
 reading PORT."
-  (alist->record (fields->alist port)
-                 (narinfo-maker url)
-                 '("StorePath" "URL" "Compression"
-                   "FileHash" "FileSize" "NarHash" "NarSize"
-                   "References" "Deriver" "System")))
+  (let* ((str     (begin (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
+                         (get-string-all port)))
+         (rx      (make-regexp "(.+)^[[:blank:]]*Signature:[[:blank:]].+$"))
+         (res     (or (regexp-exec rx str)
+                      (leave (_ "cannot find the Signature line: ~a~%")
+                             str)))
+         (hash    (sha256 (string->utf8 (match:substring res 1))))
+         (narinfo (alist->record (fields->alist (open-input-string str))
+                                 (narinfo-maker str url)
+                                 '("StorePath" "URL" "Compression"
+                                   "FileHash" "FileSize" "NarHash" "NarSize"
+                                   "References" "Deriver" "System"
+                                   "Signature"))))
+    (let-values (((signed-hash __) (hash-data->bytevector
+                                     (narinfo-signature narinfo))))
+      (if (equal? hash signed-hash)
+          (begin (verify-signature (narinfo-signature narinfo) acl)
+                 narinfo)
+          (leave (_ "signed hash ~a differs from the narinfo hash ~a~%")
+                 signed-hash hash)))))
 (define (write-narinfo narinfo port)
   "Write NARINFO to PORT."
-  (define (empty-string-if-false x)
-    (or x ""))
-  (define (number-or-empty-string x)
-    (if (number? x)
-        (number->string x)
-        ""))
-  (object->fields narinfo
-                  `(("StorePath" . ,narinfo-path)
-                    ("URL" . ,(compose uri->string narinfo-uri))
-                    ("Compression" . ,narinfo-compression)
-                    ("FileHash" . ,(compose empty-string-if-false
-                                            narinfo-file-hash))
-                    ("FileSize" . ,(compose number-or-empty-string
-                                            narinfo-file-size))
-                    ("NarHash" . ,(compose empty-string-if-false
-                                           narinfo-hash))
-                    ("NarSize" . ,(compose number-or-empty-string
-                                           narinfo-size))
-                    ("References" . ,(compose string-join narinfo-references))
-                    ("Deriver" . ,(compose empty-string-if-false
-                                           narinfo-deriver))
-                    ("System" . ,narinfo-system))
-                  port))
+  (set-port-encoding! port "UTF-8")
+  (put-string port (narinfo-contents narinfo)))
 (define (narinfo->string narinfo)
   "Return the external representation of NARINFO."
diff --git a/tests/substitute-binary.scm b/tests/substitute-binary.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db46f33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/substitute-binary.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+;;; GNU Guix --- Functional package management for GNU
+;;; Copyright © 2014 Nikita Karetnikov <nik...@karetnikov.org>
+;;; This file is part of GNU Guix.
+;;; GNU Guix is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
+;;; your option) any later version.
+;;; GNU Guix is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;; along with GNU Guix.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+(define-module (test-substitute-binary)
+  #:use-module (guix scripts substitute-binary)
+  #:use-module (guix base64)
+  #:use-module (guix hash)
+  #:use-module (guix pk-crypto)
+  #:use-module (guix pki)
+  #:use-module (rnrs bytevectors)
+  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-64) #:hide (test-error)))
+;; XXX: Replace with 'test-error' from SRFI-64 as soon as it allows to catch
+;; specific exceptions.
+(define (test-error name key thunk val)
+  "Test whether THUNK throws particular error KEY, e.g., 'misc-error, by
+comparing expected VAL and the one returned by the handler.  This procedure
+assumes that THUNK itself will never return VAL, which is error-prone but
+better than catching everything with 'test-error' from SRFI-64."
+  (test-eq name val
+           (catch key
+                  thunk
+                  (const val))))
+(define (test-error* name thunk)
+  ;; XXX: This catches all calls to 'exit', which is also error-prone, so it
+  ;; should be replaced in the future.
+  (test-error name 'quit thunk #t))
+(define %keypair
+  ;; (display (canonical-sexp->string
+  ;;           (generate-key "(genkey (rsa (nbits 4:1024)))")))
+  (string->canonical-sexp
+   "(key-data
+ (public-key
+  (rsa
+   (n #00D74A00F16DD109A8E773291856A4EF9EE2C2D975E0BC207EA24245C9CFE39E32D8BA5442A2720A57E3A9D9E55E596A8B19CB2EF844E5E859362593914BD626433C887FB798AE87E1DA95D372DFC81E220B8802B04CEC818D9B6B4E2108817755AEBAC23D2FD2B0AB82A52FD785194F3C2D7B9327212588DB74D464EEE5DC9F5B#)
+   (e #010001#)
+   )
+  )
+ (private-key
+  (rsa
+   (n #00D74A00F16DD109A8E773291856A4EF9EE2C2D975E0BC207EA24245C9CFE39E32D8BA5442A2720A57E3A9D9E55E596A8B19CB2EF844E5E859362593914BD626433C887FB798AE87E1DA95D372DFC81E220B8802B04CEC818D9B6B4E2108817755AEBAC23D2FD2B0AB82A52FD785194F3C2D7B9327212588DB74D464EEE5DC9F5B#)
+   (e #010001#)
+   (d #40E6D963EF143E9241BC10DE7A785C988C89EB1EC33253A5796AFB38FCC804D015500EC8CBCA0F5E318EE9D660DC19E7774E2E89BFD38379297EA87EFBDAC24BA32EE5339215382B2C89F5A817FD9131CA8E8A0A70D58E26E847AD0C447053671A6B2D7746087DE058A02B17701752B8A36EB414435921615AE7CAA8AC48E451#)
+   (p #00EA88C0C19FE83C09285EF49FF88A1159357FD870031C20F15EF5103FBEB10925299BCA197F7143D6792A1BA7044EDA572EC94FA6B00889F9857216CF5B984403#)
+   (q #00EAFE541EE9E0531255A85CADBEF64D5F679766D7209F521ADD131CF4B7DA9DF5414901342A146EE84FAA1E35EE0D0F6CE3F5F25989C0D1E9FA5B678D78C113C9#)
+   (u #59C80FA2C48181F6855691C9D443619BA46C7648056E081697C370D8096E8EF165122D5E55F8FD6A2DCC404FA8BDCDC1FD20B4D76A433F25E8FD6901EC2DBDAD#)
+   )
+  )
+ )"))
+(define %public-key
+  (find-sexp-token %keypair 'public-key))
+(define %private-key
+  (find-sexp-token %keypair 'private-key))
+(define (signature-body str)
+  (base64-encode
+   (string->utf8
+    (canonical-sexp->string
+     (signature-sexp (bytevector->hash-data (sha256 (string->utf8 str)))
+                     %private-key
+                     %public-key)))))
+(define %signature-body
+  (signature-body "secret"))
+(define %wrong-public-key
+  ;; (display
+  ;;  (canonical-sexp->string
+  ;;   (find-sexp-token (generate-key "(genkey (rsa (nbits 4:1024)))")
+  ;;                    'public-key)))
+  (string->canonical-sexp "(public-key
+ (rsa
+  (n #00E05873AC2B168760343145918E954EE9AB73C026355693B192E01EE835261AA689E9EF46642E895BCD65C648524059FC450E4BA77A68F4C52D0E39EF0CC9359709AB6AAB153B63782201871325B0FDA19CB401CD99FD0C31A91CA9000AA90A77E82B89E036FB63BC1D3961207469B3B12468977148D376F8012BB12A4B11A8F1#)
+  (e #010001#)
+  )
+ )"))
+(define %wrong-signature
+  (let* ((body (string->canonical-sexp
+                (utf8->string
+                 (base64-decode %signature-body))))
+         (data       (canonical-sexp->string (find-sexp-token body 'data)))
+         (sig-val    (canonical-sexp->string (find-sexp-token body 'sig-val)))
+         (public-key (canonical-sexp->string %wrong-public-key))
+         (body*      (base64-encode
+                      (string->utf8
+                       (string-append "(signature \n" data sig-val
+                                      public-key " )\n")))))
+    (string-append "1;irrelevant;" body*)))
+(define* (signature str #:optional (body %signature-body))
+  (string-append str ";irrelevant;" body))
+(define %signature
+  (signature "1" %signature-body))
+(define %acl
+  (public-keys->acl (list %public-key)))
+(test-begin "parse-signature")
+(test-error* "not a number"
+  (lambda ()
+    (parse-signature (signature "not a number"))))
+(test-error* "wrong version number"
+  (lambda ()
+    (parse-signature (signature "2"))))
+(test-assert "valid"
+  (lambda ()
+    (parse-signature %signature)))
+(test-end "parse-signature")
+(test-begin "verify-signature")
+(test-error* "unauthorized key"
+  (lambda ()
+    (verify-signature (parse-signature %signature)
+                      (public-keys->acl '()))))
+(test-error* "invalid signature"
+  (lambda ()
+    (verify-signature (parse-signature %wrong-signature)
+                      (public-keys->acl (list %wrong-public-key)))))
+(test-error* "invalid signature format"
+  (lambda ()
+    (verify-signature (parse-signature "no signature here") %acl)))
+(test-assert "valid"
+  (lambda ()
+    (verify-signature (parse-signature %signature) %acl)))
+(test-end "verify-signature")
+(define %narinfo
+  "StorePath: /nix/store/foo
+URL: nar/foo
+Compression: bzip2
+NarHash: sha256:7
+NarSize: 42
+References: bar baz
+Deriver: foo.drv
+System: mips64el-linux\n")
+(define (narinfo sig)
+  (format #f "~aSignature: ~a~%" %narinfo sig))
+(define %signed-narinfo
+  (narinfo (signature "1" (signature-body %narinfo))))
+(test-begin "read-narinfo")
+(test-error* "invalid hash"
+  (lambda ()
+    (read-narinfo (open-input-string (narinfo %signature))
+                  "https://example.com"; %acl)))
+(test-assert "valid"
+  (lambda ()
+    (read-narinfo (open-input-string %signed-narinfo)
+                  "https://example.com"; %acl)))
+(test-end "read-narinfo")
+(test-begin "write-narinfo")
+(let ((port (open-output-string)))
+  (test-equal "valid"
+    %signed-narinfo
+    (begin (write-narinfo (read-narinfo (open-input-string %signed-narinfo)
+                                        "https://example.com"; %acl)
+                          port)
+           (get-output-string port))))
+(test-end "write-narinfo")

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