On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote:
> 宋文武 <iyzs...@gmail.com> skribis:
>> I think what we need is pflask: https://github.com/ghedo/pflask
> Indeed, that seems like a good fit!

The concern I have is something the author brings up in the README:

"Compared to LXC, pflask is easier to use since it doesn't require any
pre-configuration (all the options can be passed via the
command-line). pflask is mostly intended for testing, building and
experimenting, whereas LXC is a more complete solution, better suited
for production environments."

I want something that can handle production environments.  But it's a
good starting point anyway.  Using an improved version of the
guix-daemon to do this might still be the best long term solution.

>> A container is programs or full os running in an isolated environment.
>> For a full container with rootfs, we can:
>>   build the rootfs:
>>     of Guix:    by using a form of `guix system init'
> I think it’s enough and cheaper to build the system (as per ‘guix system
> build’) and to bind-mount its closure in the container’s file system.

Didn't know about the 'build' subcommand.  I will try that out.


- Dave

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