On Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 09:50:35AM +0100, Federico Beffa wrote:
> It appears that SPARQLWrapper is not really needed and you can disable
> dependency guessing with '--no-guessing-deps'. See
> https://sources.debian.net/src/rdflib/4.1.2-3/debian/rules/

Thanks for the suggestion! This seems to be some debian specific macro in
their package recipes; I tried it as a configure flag, and setup.py chokes
on it.

However, there are these lines in setup.py:
        kwargs['install_requires'] = [
            'pyparsing', 'SPARQLWrapper']
explicitly in the "else" branch of
  if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
So this would explain why there was no problem with python-3.

I would suggest to patch this 'SPARQLWrapper' away. What is the recommended
way nowadays? A patch, I suppose? Or a snippet?

There is another occurrence of SPARQLWrapper in rdflib.egg-info/requires.txt.
But I suppose this is merely documentation?


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