
These days I’m looking at this idea, and as I though about it more and
more questions rose, concerning both what you expect of this project and
how to put it up.

As I understand it, the idea would be to allow users to use substitutes
provided through GnuNet, therefore in a decentralized fashion.

Ideally, would anyone be allowed to provide substitutes? Or would there
be a set of “trusted substitute maintainers” (possibly one maintainer by
package)? Maybe a mix. Maybe “answering this question” is part of the

Another point is: how would Guix handle these different sources? Should
it propose the end-user a choice, or include a way to automatically
choose in most cases?

The prospect of having a (semi-)decentralised and Lisp-based
package-manager is really appealing.

Rémi Birot-Delrue

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