Federico Beffa <be...@ieee.org> skribis:

> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:40 PM, Thompson, David
> <dthomps...@worcester.edu> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Federico Beffa <be...@ieee.org> wrote:
>>> But, my question was NOT: how can I see white spaces. Rather: is there
>>> a Guix coding style "rule" which states that white spaces there are
>>> undesired.
>>> I personally prefer to have them, because then, if I use M-up/down, I
>>> move to the beginning/end of a whole top-level block, without stopping
>>> at internal points and that's what I want most of the time.
>>> So, these spaces are not just coding artifacts, but have some use.
>> There should be *no* trailing whitespace in submitted patches, and we
>> should add a note about it to our contribution guidelines if it's not
>> already there.


> OK, I will delete those spaces then. But, I'm curious about the
> rationale for such a rule.

It’s mostly that no-trailing-whitespace is a simple canonical form.
Having everyone follow it makes sure we don’t run into annoying patch
conflicts due to whitespace, nor “noisy patches” that remove trailing
spaces here and there.


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