On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 08:51:22AM -0400, David Thompson wrote:
> I've grown very tired of trying to convince people that independent user
> verification of binary releases is an important thing to prioritize, but
> they think that users do not want the source code.  I've tried to make
> my arguments as clear as I could, yet they've been misunderstood by some
> and rejected entirely by others, and now it is time to give up.

As someone with zero Ruby experience, I find this very confusing. Are
you saying that they don't think it's necessary to be able to build the
Gem "binaries" independently? If that were true, how can RubyGems be a
trusted intermediary between software authors and users? How can users
verify that the RubyGems people are not distributing malicious
"binaries". Am I totally misunderstanding the role of RubyGems in the
Ruby world?

> This effort has drained too much of my enthusiasm, and now I need a
> break.

:( We all have experiences like this once in a while. Everyone
appreciates the work you do on Guix. Hopefully you can come back with
some fresh energy when you are ready!

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