Hi Guix,

I’m dealing with Python in Guix pretty often, because numpy and scipy
are very popular here — and I have been bitten by propagated inputs a
little too often, so I’d like to discuss an alternative.

A user has the following packages installed in the default profile:


This installation is already a little stale as it was done a couple of
months ago, so the versions of numpy and scipy are not the latest.  Now
the user chooses to install the innocuous-looking “htseq” package.  Guix
downloads the substitute (and more) and then proceeds to build a new
generation of the profile.

But, oh, what is *that*?  There are hundreds of lines in which Guix
warns about numpy conflicts, shrugs and picks one or the other version
of the conflicting file.  “How could this have happened?”, the user
cries out in dispair.

Well, the user did not see that “htseq” is not only an executable, but
also a Python library.  As a Python library it depends on numpy, and
thus propagates numpy as it is customary in Guix.  This is necessary
because Python libraries do not have a RUNPATH feature and must be able
to find named imports in some directory in the PYTHONPATH.  To make
packages available on a simple user-controlled PYTHONPATH, we propagate
all dependent Python packages, i.e. we install them into the very same
profile, so that the user only has to do this

    export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/.guix-profile/lib/python2.7

instead of the unmanageable

    export PYTHONPATH=/gnu/store/...dep1/...:/gnu/store/...dep2...:...

I wonder if we could do better than this.  Here are two proposals for
discussion; one is probably not very contentious, the other is straight
from my dream diary in which I collect all sorts of strange and
unrealistic ideas.

1) print a warning when a collision is expected to happen, not when a
collision has happened.

Guix knows what is currently installed in a profile, so it knows that,
say, “python2-numpy” is installed.  It also knows that installing
“htseq” is also going to install “python2-numpy” into that profile.  It
also knows that the propagated “python2-numpy” is different from the
installed “python2-numpy”.  Knowing all that, it should also know that
there are going to be file conflicts, no?

If that’s all true, could we make Guix print a warning about impending
doom *before* it creates a new profile generation?  It’s a much nicer
user experience (at least to me) when I’m being told about possible
conflicts (at the package level) before Guix creates a new profile and
nonchalantly informs me about arbitrarily resolving conflicts (at the
file level).  The difference is in the amount of warnings I get (package
vs individual files) and about the time I would otherwise have to waste
to roll back the profile and upgrade already installed libraries or
choose to install “htseq” into a new profile.

2) avoid PYTHONPATH, patch all Python files invasively!

Python does not have any feature that is comparable to RUNPATH.  It is
only concerned with finding libraries/modules by *name* in one of the
directories specified by the PYTHONPATH environment variable.

But actually the PYTHONPATH variable is not the only means to affect the
search path for modules.  It is possible to change the search path

    import sys
    import numpy

The first two lines add an explicit store item path to the search path;
the third line just imports the numpy module by name (as usual).  Even
without setting the PYTHONPATH to include the numpy in the profile the
third line won’t fail.

I wonder if we could design a phase that — very much like the
“wrap-program” phase — modifies *every* Python file and injects lines
like the first two in the example above, appending explicit store item
paths, so that all dependent Python libraries can be found without the
need to have them installed in the same profile and without the need to

Maybe this is crazy, and maybe this causes other annoying problems, but
I think it is the closest we can get to a RUNPATH-like feature in

What do you think?  Do I need a long vacation or is this something we
might realistically do in an automated fashion?

~~ Ricardo

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