> At <https://blog.torproject.org/category/tags/onion-services>, I see
> that “Tor developers use the terms "hidden services" and "onion
> services" interchangeably.”  No evidence that there’s a incentive to
> use “onion services”, or did I miss it?
> Thanks,
> Ludo’.

Looking at the ‘hidden-services’ tag as well:


led me to this blog post:


which states:

| We talked about rebranding the "Hidden Services" project to "Onion
| Services" to reduce "hidden"/"dark"/"evil" name connotations, and
| improve terminology. In fact, [we've been on this for a while][1], but
| we are still not sure what the right name is. What do you think? 

[1]: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-February/008256.html

I don’t know what the current consensus is though.  I guess variables
with both names should be provided.

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