
Alex Griffin <a...@ajgrf.com> skribis:

> I've put my initial notes in a git repository
> [here](https://gitlab.com/ajgrf/bootstrapping-compilers/blob/master/notes.org).
> They are in a very rough state, but mostly everything is there in some
> form. If anyone has any thoughts please let me know! 

I like it.  :-)

I think the bit about the “trusting trust” attack should go under “The
Problem”.  Specifically, I would suggest expounding on the software
freedom bit (the fact that users must be provided with the Corresponding
Source), and the reproducibility bit (allow people to build from source
and to ensure the binaries correspond to the source), and then on
security (“trusting trust”.)


We should then discuss it with the repro-builds folks, and probably
contact a bunch of compiler writers to get initial feedback.


PS: I would suggest wrapping lines in notes.org, which would make it
    easier to read IMO, and also facilitate patch handling.

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