Pjotr Prins <pjotr.publi...@thebird.nl> writes:

> (4) Finally, is there a way to automatically inject the search paths in
> the shell? Rather than printing them, and people have to copy-paste,
> why not create a new shell with paths set? Or is that already
> available?

At this institute I recommend users install software into one profile
per project.  To “enter” a profile users do this:

    cd projects/world-peace
    source .guix-profile/etc/profile
    # variables are set now
    # do work here

They enter a subshell, then go to their project directory in which they
have a Guix profile (always named “.guix-profile”).  By sourcing the
profile’s “etc/profile” all environment variables are set up.

When they are done they just exit the subshell, thereby restoring the
environment to its previous state.

~~ Ricardo

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