Yes, that is how I understand it previously did not work for me.
Thanks :)

On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 01:33:40AM -0400, Troy Sankey wrote:
> Quoting Pjotr Prins (2016-07-10 20:13:26)
> > And only now I am understanding a problem ages ago. Would this also be
> > the reason for git sub-modules not to work?
> Pjotr,
> If I'm understanding correctly, you failed to generate the hash of a git
> repository containing submodules?  In that case, you may need to delete the
> .git file under each submodule directory in addition to the top level .git
> directory.
> Hashing sources is becoming quite compilated!  I can't wait until 'guix
> download' supports git, then this could be automated.
> Troy


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