
pe...@krutt.org writes:

> Hello ng0,
> I'm still interested in working on this, and I think I will need help
> regarding how to setup a service for GNU Shepherd and how to configure
> compiler flags for guix. Will you assist me on this? Besides the Guix
> manual, where can I find good and detailed information on how to do a
> good job?
> Greetings,

I'm not the best advisor in writing guix or shepherd services - I'm
currently working on my first 2 services myself - but for packages I
might be able to help.  And if I can't be of any help, others on the
guix-devel list will be.
If php would be your first package, I would suggest to first pick
something small, and afterwards apply what you learned to the bigger
package php.

Do you know how php7 and php-fpm are structured, its dependency trees?
If there are small packages in there it's useful to start there.

For 'doing a good job' we are trying to improve the guix manual. The
'contributing' chapter of it can be useful, and good examples I just
find in the git checkout(s) I have of guix, searching the relevant
folders for code.
I'd say if you haven't done so already, read the contributing manual and
ask questions about it.

> ng0 <n...@we.make.ritual.n0.is> writes:
>> Hi pe.cg, Hi Ludovic,
>> I found this old thread and I like the idea.
>> pe.cg, are you still interested in doing it? Do you require any help or
>> otherwise input and mentoring?
>> Or you you want someone else to workon this?
>> Thanks,
>> ng0
>> Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> pe...@krutt.org skribis:
>>>> I'm preparing myself to migrate to GuixSD in the following weeks, I've
>>>> read a couple of pages from the documentation, and how the whole system
>>>> is build, so far I can go without having LVM, and since I only use a
>>>> lightweight window manager, the lack of GNOME and KDE are no drawbacks
>>>> for me; only php is missing, and since I write programs in that language
>>>> (on a daily basis), I wonder what would be necessary to have that
>>>> package on the guix repo? And what would be required to write a GNU
>>>> Shepherd service for php-fpm. I willing to do those task so I can
>>>> complete the adoption of a new system with confidence.
>>> I’ve never tried it but there’s a PHP package at:
>>>   https://github.com/mnd/guix-mnd-pkgs
>>> We would be happy to integrate a recipe for PHP in Guix proper.  It’s a
>>> matter of following the contribution check list at
>>> <https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Submitting-Patches.html>,
>>> and we’d be happy to help with that process.
>>> Providing a PHP service definition for GuixSD needs more discussion.
>>> I’m personally not well versed in Web services but I know others on the
>>> list are so hopefully they can provide some guidance.
>>> The documentation for GuixSD services is at
>>> <https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Defining-Services.html>.
>>> HTH!
>>> Ludo’.
> -- 
> Git Repos: http://notabug.org/pecg
> XMPP/Jabber: pe...@krutt.org

♥Ⓐ  ng0
Current Keys: https://we.make.ritual.n0.is/ng0.txt
For non-prism friendly talk find me on http://www.psyced.org

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