TL;DR: Guix on Gentoo, need testers with moar isolated Gentoo
VMs/systems. Don't blame me when it breaks your precious system, I said
I needed testers.


Since Gentoo upstream decided to finally solve their very old #355355
bug on ~20:00 UTC today, I take this opportunity to clean our Gentoo
overlay from ebuilds we needed for guix so far and ask for potential

For people interested in debugging and participation:

Guix is now available from within Gentoo for a while already, as a
development (request for debugging help) package. With the inclusion of
our collaborative overlay in Gentoo's in/official list of overlays,
Guix on Gentoo is only 2 commands away in Gentoo and Gentoo
based systems:
  layman -a youbroketheinternet
  emerge --ask sys-apps/guix

When you torsocks/torify this or all your connections go through tor,
it should pick up one of 2 onionland instances this is available on,
else it falls back to .is and .org

It's not 100% finished yet (openrc service is not fully functional),
please read the included file in the overlay.

The overlay is also accessible from direct git checkouts, read the page
on keyword search for Overlay youbroketheinternet or
visit or [section: CODE].
♥Ⓐ  ng0
Current Keys:
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