Mike Gerwitz writes:

> If a user is able to build from source

That's a question that I like to explore.

If a user builds an npm package from its source repository, I assume
that they install the devDependencies needed for that using npm?

The transitive closure of installing all devDependencies for the `q'
package by building them all from their source repositories, means
building > 6000 packages.

> , shouldn't Guix be able to?

> And if neither can, how can we guarantee that the provided binary is
> even free and actually corresponds to the given source?

I would also like to explore if the source/binary package metaphor is
a valid one for npm.

For the packages that I considered, I used the `diff' command to assert
that the installable npm package includes javascript and C files and are
identical to the ones in the repository.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
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