> I entirely agree.

I'm not alone :-)

> Our current convention for commit messages is aesthetically pleasing,
> but useless.   It is redundant to put in the message WHAT has changed.
> That can be easily determined by running "git show".   What is much
> more usefull is the reason WHY we changed it.


> Recently, on another project,  I came across a line of code which I
> was pretty sure was pointless.  I was about to delete it - but I
> decided to check first.  So I ran "git blame" to find out which
> commit had added it.  Then I ran git show to get the full details
> of that commit.   Fortunately, the person who had committed it 5 years
> ago had mentioned exactly why it was needed.  - and it was there
> for a very valid reason too.   Had we been using the Guix convention,
> this would probably have been deleted and consequences would have
> followed.

Been there, done that...

> I vote that we make the reason for a commit to be compulsory.  All
> other details optional.

+1, more details is better than less, LKML-style...

Vincent Legoll

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