I understood something different by "while disk encryption".  I thought it meant
encrypting the whole disk (partition table and all) not just the partitions on 


On Wed, Oct 05, 2016 at 07:56:23PM -0700, dian_ce...@zoho.com wrote:
          So apparently I've accidentilly volunteered to try and implement 
whole disk
     encryption for GuixSD, and for the last few days I've been pondering what 
     I'd need to handle for this. While the obvious low-hanging fruit is to 
     support mounting LUKS devices (or anything under /dev/mapper), if I'm going
     to do this I'd rather try to handle as many cases as I could, or at least 
     doing something that would make future additions to the distro painful to
     implement. So I've been trying to come up with a list of the possible
     configurations and how they can be implemented, so at least I have a rough 
     on what is actually needed. So far, this is what I'm thinking needs to be
     supported (or some combination of each of these):
     a) Encrypting /home(/$USER)
     b) Encrypting /
     c) Encrypting /boot
     d) Encrypting swap with a fixed passphrase
     e) Encrypting swap with a random passphrase
     f) Encrypting /$RANDOM_DIRECTORY
          I think A is usually handled with eCryptFS and PAM so that the user's 
     directory isn't mounted until the user logs in, and is thus outside of the 
     of what I'm trying to do. B is the big issue for me (along with RAID 
support and
     LVM, but I'm reasonably sure I can replace LVM with quotas without any 
loss of
     functionality and probably an increase in flexibility) and can usually be
     handled fairly easily with an initramfs. However, the inability of the 
     image to mount (or configure these devices for mounting) seems to be a 
     serious stumbling block. C is supported by GRUB2 according to 
     so as long as our version of GRUB has built-in support for this, I think 
     shouldn't be too hard to handle. D should be reasonably easy to handle as 
     as we can decide whether it would be better to decrypt everything in the
     initramfs or leave some of it to the system proper to handle. E is likely 
     handled by the system proper and should be reasonably easy to handle once
     a framework for handling decrypting and encrypting filesystems is 
     The same applies to F, for that matter.
          I am also pondering how to handle RAID and LVM at this time since all 
     this is all fairly closely related, though I'm not going to make any 
claims of
     responsibility for implementing anything other than disk encryption, and 
     that isn't promised.
          However, I'm wanting feedback from others on this list (and if someone
     wants to crosspost this to the help-guix list for a little more 
visability, feel
     free) on any possible scenerios need to be handled that I havn't mentioned 

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