Ludovic Courtès writes:

> SSH is a complex protocol and its implementations are complex too.  I
> would find it unreasonable to replace ‘su’ and ‘sudo’ with something
> this complex, that goes through the TCP/IP stack, etc.

I agree.  We could maybe have a pseudo-sudo service that is built just
for this purpose though... let's call it "psudo". ;)  Thinking out loud:

So, you're running psudo, and this thing maybe accepts connections over
something more secure, *maybe* unix domain sockets... so restrict group
access to the socket to users in the "psudo" group.

>From there, maybe it could require PAM authentication while entering the
root password, or something.

It feels hard to know how psudo could "know" what user is accessing the
socket... I don't think that information is made available, right?
Maybe I'm wrong!  I guess postgres and etc do similar things?

Fun idea to think about anyway :)

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