Christopher Allan Webber <> writes:

> Christopher Allan Webber writes:
>> Hello,
>> I'm writing a service for dirvish, and I realized that if I'm following
>> current guix service routes, I might not be able to run all the
>> operations I need to.  

Why not?  I read the rest of your email but this wasn't clear to me.

>> It seems that the current route for Guix is to have your service
>> write out a config that more or less becomes part of the environment
>> for starting / stopping a daemon via Shepherd.  But what if that's
>> not all you need to do?
>> Aside from just "running as a daemon", plenty of (especially
>> applications which manage state) will need to have other commands that
>> are unlikely to be run from shepherd.  For example:
>>  - Initializing a data store.  For example, in dirvish I need to run
>>    a command to initialize a "vault" where I will be storing my data.
>>  - Manually invoking a garbage collection utility.
>>  - Manually invoking an integrity check utility.
>>  - Possibly some side effect involving querying the network.
>>  - Running schema migrations.
>> All sorts of things!  Most of them (all?) involve state or side effects,
>> but plenty of our most important services will be "state overlords" of
>> some type.

Why do those activities need to be represented as actions in Shepherd?
If we're running a daemon or service that already exposes a mechanism
for manually running tasks like these, then can't we just use "the usual
mechanism" for doing it?  For example, if we're running a daemon that
already provides a script to perform garbage collection, can't we just
invoke that script?  It isn't clear to me why we would need to model
domain-specific actions like that in Shepherd, although I can see why it
might be convenient.  Am I missing something?


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