I looked at your improvement suggestion. One issue I'm thinking about:

How to handle the return codes, since the fsck.vfat returns slightly
different error codes than fsck.ext. For example fsck.vfat error code
2 is a usage error, which would cause an infinite reboot cycle if the
passed device is misspelled or something. The message corrected
errors; rebooting could cause people quite some frustration I can
imagine, when the problem is something that is likely a trivial typo
or something.

Then there is the label and uuid detection logic for every file-system
that needs to be implemented. I'm wondering if it can be refactored, a
quick late night and untested implementation for btrfs suggests that
there is a lot of code repetition involved, I guess the same will be
true for vfat. I'll have to check if there are any tests for this
anywhere or write some before I mess with this "core piece" of guix.

Ludo: Is there any way we can speed up the installer system tests? :)

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