> Hmm, you added gdb to the native-inputs but commented out the gdb invocations 
> later? Why?

I've gone and looked at this, and noted that not all the gdb
invocations have been commented out, just the one requiring
dmd-testsuite/runnable/gdb15729 which fails with "Error: No such file
or directory"

The only other part in the dmd-testsuite that's deactivated is the
call "enforce(match(..." in dmd-testsuite/d_do_test.d which was also

All other invocations to gdb and calls to "enforce()" seem to be working fine.

The annoying thing about these tests is, if you go and build them in
the directory retained with 'guix build --keep-failed' these tests
pass with no problem, but fail when you use 'guix build ...'

Frederick M. Muriithi

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