On 2017-01-09 14:37, Catonano wrote:
2017-01-06 10:46 GMT+01:00 Alex Sassmannshausen


Guile has a dev room at FOSDEM this year — for a whole day! The
room will be on Sunday.

Whilst organising it, we had the idea that it would be fun to have a
Guile/Guix user & dev dinner on the Saturday evening. I'm hereby
officially opening registration for that :-D

I have not chosen a restaurant yet, but it will be something that
provides a varietary of dietary options (omnivore, veggie, vegan).
you are interested in coming along, just drop me a line to confirm.

So — who's in for Guile social dinner on Saturday 4 February 2017

Best wishes,


It seems that  I will manage to be there, too.

So count me in !

I'm an omnivore !

Me too.

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