
I notice that with a recent Guix checkout (commit
d8e85b20325073d90cfaf3060889d59d91362deb) the hackage importer doesn't
work and the problem seems to be with Guile itself or the lalr parser
coming with it:

GNU Guile 2.0.13
Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Guile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `,show w'.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `,show c' for details.

Enter `,help' for help.
scheme@(guile-user)> ,m (guix import hackage)
scheme@(guix import hackage)> (canonical-newline-port (http-fetch
#:verify-certificate? #f))
$2 = #<input: r6rs-custom-binary-input-port 1b770d0>
scheme@(guix import hackage)> (read-cabal $2)
system/base/lalr.upstream.scm:1851:2: In procedure ___push:
system/base/lalr.upstream.scm:1851:2: Wrong number of arguments to
#<procedure ___push (delta new-category lvalue tok)>

Entering a new prompt.  Type `,bt' for a backtrace or `,q' to continue.
scheme@(guix import hackage) [1]> ,locals
  Local variables:
  $3 = delta = 1
  $4 = new-category = 6
  $5 = lvalue = (#<lexical-token category: PROPERTY source:
#<source-location input: "…>)
While executing meta-command:
ERROR: In procedure frame-local-ref: Argument 2 out of range: 3
scheme@(guix import hackage) [1]>

Notice that inspecting the stack of the backtrace results in an error!

The importer does work as expected with Guile 2.0.11:

GNU Guile 2.0.11
Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Guile comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `,show w'.
This program is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `,show c' for details.

Enter `,help' for help.
scheme@(guile-user)> ,m (guix import hackage)
scheme@(guix import hackage)> (canonical-newline-port (http-fetch
#:verify-certificate? #f))
$1 = #<input: r6rs-custom-binary-input-port 24bc340>
scheme@(guix import hackage)> (read-cabal $1)
$2 = (("name" ("hmatrix")) ("version" ("")) ("license"
("BSD3")) ("license-file" ("LICENSE")) ("author" ("Alberto Ruiz"))
("maintainer" ("Alberto Ruiz")) ("stability" ("provisional"))
("homepage" ("https://github.com/albertoruiz/hmatrix";)) ("synopsis"
("Numeric Linear Algebra")) ("description" ("Linear systems, matrix
decompositions, and other numerical computations based on BLAS and
LAPACK. . Standard interface: \"Numeric.LinearAlgebra\". . Safer
interface with statically checked dimensions:
\"Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static\". . Code examples:
<http://dis.um.es/~alberto/hmatrix/hmatrix.html>")) ("category"
("Math")) ("tested-with" ("GHC==8.0")) ("cabal-version" (">=1.8"))
("build-type" ("Simple")) ("extra-source-files" ("THANKS.md
CHANGELOG")) ("extra-source-files" ("src/Internal/C/lapack-aux.h"))
(section flag "openblas" (("description" ("Link with OpenBLAS
(https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS) optimized libraries."))
("default" ("False")) ("manual" ("True")))) (section library
(("build-depends" ("base >= 4.8 && < 5, binary, array, deepseq,
random, split, bytestring, storable-complex, vector >= 0.8"))
("hs-source-dirs" ("src")) ("exposed-modules" ("Numeric.LinearAlgebra
Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Devel Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data
Numeric.LinearAlgebra.HMatrix Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Static"))
("other-modules" ("Internal.Vector Internal.Devel Internal.Vectorized
Internal.Matrix Internal.ST Internal.IO Internal.Element
Internal.Conversion Internal.LAPACK Internal.Numeric
Internal.Algorithms Internal.Random Internal.Container Internal.Sparse
Internal.Convolution Internal.Chain Numeric.Vector Internal.CG
Numeric.Matrix Internal.Util Internal.Modular Internal.Static"))
("c-sources" ("src/Internal/C/lapack-aux.c
src/Internal/C/vector-aux.c")) ("extensions"
("ForeignFunctionInterface")) ("ghc-options" ("-Wall
-fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-orphans -fprof-auto"))
("cc-options" ("-O4 -Wall")) (if (arch "x86_64") (("cc-options"
("-msse2"))) ()) (if (arch "i386") (("cc-options" ("-msse2"))) ()) (if
(os "OSX") ((if (flag "openblas") (("extra-lib-dirs"
("/opt/local/lib/openblas/lib")) ("extra-libraries" ("openblas")))
(("extra-libraries" ("blas lapack")))) ("extra-lib-dirs"
("/opt/local/lib/")) ("include-dirs" ("/opt/local/include/"))
("extra-lib-dirs" ("/usr/local/lib/")) ("include-dirs"
("/usr/local/include/")) (if (arch "i386") (("cc-options" ("-arch
i386"))) ()) ("frameworks" ("Accelerate"))) ()) (if (os "freebsd")
((if (flag "openblas") (("extra-lib-dirs"
("/usr/local/lib/openblas/lib")) ("extra-libraries" ("openblas")))
(("extra-libraries" ("blas lapack"))))) ()) ("extra-lib-dirs"
("/usr/local/lib")) ("include-dirs" ("/usr/local/include"))
("extra-libraries" ("gfortran")) (if (os "windows") ((if (flag
"openblas") (("extra-libraries" ("libopenblas, libgcc_s_seh-1,
libgfortran-3, libquadmath-0"))) (("extra-libraries" ("blas
lapack"))))) ()) (if (os "linux") ((if (flag "openblas")
(("extra-lib-dirs" ("/usr/lib/openblas/lib")) ("extra-libraries"
("openblas"))) (("extra-libraries" ("blas lapack")))) (if (arch
"x86_64") (("cc-options" ("-fPIC"))) ())) ()))) (section
source-repository "head" (("type" ("git")) ("location"
scheme@(guix import hackage)>

With the current version of Guile all hackage tests in the test-suite
do fail for me.


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