On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 09:59:05AM +0100, Tomas Cech wrote:

     Running GuixSD on HW not fully supported by linux-libre is painful for
     me as well. I remember my first time success with GuixSD - after some
     coffee and sweating I managed to deploy and boot GuixSD on my notebook
     which had WiFi card requiring firmware to run. I wasn't able to fix
     missing package without reboot.
     It took me some time to get with my own kernel (vanilla
     based) and initrd on top of Guix (especially as Guile is still
     language barrier for me).
     I'd love to see some coordinated effort outside of (or better on top of)
     Guix to share such work.

IMO a better way to spend your effort would be:-

1. Writing free drivers for the devices which are not in linux-libre and 
them a patch; OR

2. Helping the development of low cost hardware which on which fully free 
can run; OR

3. Undertake extra paid employment in some activity (not necessarily computer 
which benefits the community, and spend the mony you earn to purchase harware 
on which
GuixSD runs better.


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