On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 11:52:16AM +0000, ng0 wrote:

     May I remind you that the first reaction of John is being rude to anyone
     who isn't a native speaker? 

That is absolutely not true.  I have reviewed this current thread and I do not 
see any instance of rudeness on my part.

As I have explained *most* people appreciate it when offerred corrections - be 
it code, language or whatever.  I certainly appreciate corrections of my
mistakes, and on occassion people have taken the time to thank me for the time 
I take to correct theirs.  That is what collaboration is about.  You have
explicitly asked me not to correct you - and I respect that request - I will not
do so in future.  However, if I see you giving erroneous advice to a third party
I may interject with my own opinion.

I'm sorry that you feel this way.  I would still like to work with you - and
that means I appreciate constructive criticism from anyone, about anything.

For example, we don't often speak German in Guix, but if we were to do so,
I would be very grateful to you, as a native German speaker, if you would 
me when I make a grammatical mistake.



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