
Pjotr Prins <pjotr.publi...@thebird.nl> skribis:

> ** Going off github

Congrats, sounds like the right decision to me!

In addition to its most obvious problems¹ (including privacy—“if the
service is free, then *you* are the product”), GitHub has become a
single point of failure for a large part of the free software commons.
It has managed to build a centralized platform around a distributed VCS,
to the point that many Git users seem to not realize that Git itself is
distribute, or in some cases, that Git can be used without GitHub.

Similar to Marco’s experience, the institute I work for, which was
running a FusionForge instance and losing users to github.com, has now
deployed a self-hosted GitLab-free-software instance, which I think is a
great improvement.

Kudos!  :-)


¹ https://www.gnu.org/software/repo-criteria-evaluation.html

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