
> Hello. I recently learned about GuixSD, and it seems like a distro
> I would actually _enjoy_ using. Essentially, my questions are:
> What is the current state of GuixSD? Is it currently too buggy or
> feature-deficient to use as a day-to-day os?
I use it on my laptop and my wife's laptop. feature-deficient is a
rather subjective term. I have xfce on my wife's laptop. Occasionally
she'll complain about lack of flash or that a website doesn't like
icecat. I have a few boxen that I haven't converted (from Debian) yes as
I rely heavily on lvm and don't want to sort out how to do without
lvm. On those boxen I use guix as a foreign package manager which
actually works out quite well.

> How can I best contribute?
I've found the people on the #guix channel and on this list to be very
helpful. The website has a section on how to contribute. I've started by
just packaging programs that I use that were net yet in Guix. Knowing
guile is not (IHMO) a prerequisite, although willingness to learn
probably is ;).

HTH, James.
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