
Leo Famulari <l...@famulari.name> skribis:

> I've seen some members of Guix express doubts about the utility of
> private discussion forums like linux-distros, and I'm sympathetic.
> In fact, even without early notification, we are usually shipping
> security updates for embargoed issues within 24 hours of public
> disclosure, and usually within a few hours. And for non-embargoed
> issues, we are shipping fixes earlier than the major distros very often.
> I read the "security update round-ups" on LWN, and typically they are
> full of bugs we already fixed. So, perhaps it wouldn't make a big
> difference in most cases.
> But, the "Stack Clash" issues took us by surprise and we spent a few
> days writing and testing our fixes. We are committed to supporting
> 32-bit platforms where these bugs are apparently easy to exploit.
> Without access to the exploits or detailed discussion, it was very
> difficult to know if our fixes actually worked. So, we could have
> responded more quickly and effectively with early notice.
> What do people think? Is anyone else interested in applying to join this
> mailing list? Is anyone else willing to stick to the rules and to
> participate?

Like you say, you (and Mark and others) have been doing excellent work
already without being on that list, but I agree that the early notice
could help in some cases.  So overall I think being on linux-distros is
a good idea, and it seems like we meet the criteria.

The real question is about our commitment to contribute back.
Presumably only one or two of us would be on that list, so they would
largely have that responsibility individually, even if the rest of us
could of course help out as far as the embargo etc. permits.

Long story short, I would be super happy if you or Mark were on that

How do you feel about it?


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