Alex Kost <> writes:

> Alex Vong (2017-07-04 16:16 +0800) wrote:
> [...]
>> Is there an intermediate approch? Is is possible for Emacs to signal a
>> warning when the required features are not found, but still continue
>> loading the rest of the config?
> If you wish to have a message in *Messages* buffer, you can do it like
> this:
> (unless (require 'foo nil t)
>   (message "Error during loading 'foo'!!!"))
> or like this:
> (with-demoted-errors "%S" (require 'foo))
> If you want to have a warning in a pop-up buffer, then:
> (unless (require 'foo nil t)
>   (display-warning 'oops "Error during loading 'foo'!!!"))

> [...]
>> Thanks for the suggestion! It turns out setting NIX_STATE_DIR to
>> "/usr/local/var/guix/" and making "~/.config/guix/latest" pointing to
>> "~/scm/guix/" completely resolves the problem. So now only a oneliner is
>> required:
>>   (require 'guix-autoloads '() t)
> Actually, why do you need this line at all?  Such autoloads should be
> loaded automatically.  Do you also require autoloads of other emacs
> packages?  Do you use Emacs from Guix or from your operating system (not
> GuixSD)?
Indeed, even that line is not needed. I think that was needed when
Emacs-Guix was still part of Guix.

>> Do you think it is a bug that Emacs-Guix does not set
>> `guix-state-directory' correctly?
> I'm not sure what you mean.  It sets this variable to "/var/guix" by
> default (or to NIX_STATE_DIR if you use it).  If you use Guix with a
> non-standard state directory, how can Emacs-Guix define it?
> BTW, don't you have problems using "/usr/local/var" as the state
> directory?
It works on my laptop so far...

> If you use guix from a git checkout, I think it is a standard practice
> to configure it with "--localstatedir=/var".  It is even mentioned in
> the manual a couple of times:
>   (info "(guix) Building from Git")
>   (info "(guix) Requirements")

Hmm, I am unaware of this practice. I'll re-install Guix with

Indeed, the manual mentions that, "LOCALSTATEDIR is the state directory
specified via ‘--localstatedir’ at configure time, usually ‘/var’"

  (info "(guix) The Store")

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