Alex Kost <> writes:

> Feng Shu (2017-09-22 06:45 +0800) wrote:
>> -----------
>> 851d0m0xsz4v0hjw98rypisxn34rq012-font-wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta:
>> 总用量 864
>> dr-xr-xr-x    3 root root        4096 1月   1 1970 .
>> drwxrwxr-t 1726 root guixbuild 872448 9月  22 06:35 ..
>> dr-xr-xr-x    3 root root        4096 1月   1 1970 share
>> ----------
>> The font file path:
>> --------
>> feng@tumashu:/gnu/store/851d0m0xsz4v0hjw98rypisxn34rq012-font-wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta/share/fonts/wenquanyi
>> $ ls
>> wqy-microhei.ttc
>> feng@tumashu:/gnu/store/851d0m0xsz4v0hjw98rypisxn34rq012-font-wqy-microhei-0.2.0-beta/share/fonts/wenquanyi
>>  $ 
>> Am I miss something?
> From your output it is not clear where you installed this font.  In the
> system or user profile?

I install this package in system profile with the help of my guixsd config

> Also please show the output of "fc-cache -fv".

1. root
feng@tumashu:~ $ sudo fc-cache -fv
/gnu/store/dxfc87p84pbvl83v84si2yd00ni6jvrp-gs-fonts-8.11/share/fonts: caching, 
new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
 caching, new cache contents: 35 fonts, 0 dirs
/root/.guix-profile/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 
1 dirs
/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts/truetype: caching, new cache contents: 
2 fonts, 0 dirs
/root/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/root/.fonts: skipping, no such directory
/var/cache/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/var/cache/fontconfig: invalid cache file: 
/root/.cache/fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
/root/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded
feng@tumashu:~ $ 


2. Normal user:

feng@tumashu:~ $ fc-cache -fv
/gnu/store/dxfc87p84pbvl83v84si2yd00ni6jvrp-gs-fonts-8.11/share/fonts: caching, 
new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
 caching, new cache contents: 35 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.guix-profile/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 
1 dirs
/run/current-system/profile/share/fonts/truetype: caching, new cache contents: 
2 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.local/share/fonts: skipping, no such directory
/home/feng/.fonts: caching, new cache contents: 5 fonts, 12 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/Luxi-Mono: caching, new cache contents: 4 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/MonospaceTypewriter: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 
/home/feng/.fonts/SourceHanSansSC: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 2 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/SourceHanSansSC/SourceHanSansSC: caching, new cache contents: 
7 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/SourceHanSansSC/__MACOSX: caching, new cache contents: 0 
fonts, 1 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/SourceHanSansSC/__MACOSX/SourceHanSansSC: caching, new cache 
contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/Win7仿宋及楷体: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/courier: caching, new cache contents: 19 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/my-like: caching, new cache contents: 13 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/sabrina: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/script mono: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 4 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/script mono/scriptmonocondensed: caching, new cache contents: 
1 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/script mono/scriptmonocondenseditalic: caching, new cache 
contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/script mono/scriptmonoextended: caching, new cache contents: 
1 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/script mono/scriptmonoextendeditalic: caching, new cache 
contents: 1 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/ubuntu-font-family-0.80: caching, new cache contents: 13 
fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/winfonts: caching, new cache contents: 22 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/wps_symbol: caching, new cache contents: 10 fonts, 0 dirs
/home/feng/.fonts/方正兰亭黑: caching, new cache contents: 12 fonts, 0 dirs
/var/cache/fontconfig: not cleaning unwritable cache directory
/home/feng/.cache/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/home/feng/.fontconfig: not cleaning non-existent cache directory
fc-cache: succeeded



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