Dear Guixers,

I have started to play with GuixSD in a virtual machine, but I quickly got stuck. My starting point is the supplied "bare bones" setup, which works fine with only trivial modifications such as the disk device name and the user accounts to be created.

My virtual machine has two network interfaces, one for connections to the outside world and one for connections to/from the host (that's how VirtualBox works). The first one gets configured automatically via DHCP, presumably via (dhcp-client-service). The second one must be configured statically. After some exploration, I added

  (static-networking-service "enp0s8" ...)

to the list of services. No chance:

  service "networking" provided more than once

That must be because "lo" is already configured in %base-services. But the documentation explicitly says that I can call static-networking-service multiple times for multiple interfaces!

After a look at the source code for service management, I tried

  (modify-services %base-services
        interfaces => (cons (static-networking-service "enp0s8" ...)

This yields an error message from static-networking-shepherd-service about concerning "no matching pattern", which suggests that I haven't read enough of the source code to get this right. Back to the source code, and another try:

  (modify-services %base-services
        interfaces => (cons (static-networking (interface "enp0s8") ...)

Now I am back to: service "networking" provided more than once. So I am giving up... What's the solution to this puzzle?


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