Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

>> $ strace -c guixr package --search-paths -p /gnu/profiles/per-language/r     
>> export PATH="/gnu/profiles/per-language/r/bin"
>> export R_LIBS_SITE="/gnu/profiles/per-language/r/site-library/"
>> export TERMINFO_DIRS="/gnu/profiles/per-language/r/share/terminfo"
>> % time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
>> ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
>>  98.31    0.139510       11626        12         6 wait4
>>   0.77    0.001087          36        30         9 open
>>   0.43    0.000615          21        29         8 stat
> I think you’re tracing ‘guixr’, which forks and just waits for ‘guix’
> and other commands, no?

@Roel: Try “strace -f” to follow spawned commands.


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