Hello guix!

I've just checked the installer, and I would like to propose something.

It seems to me that the current installer effort is primarily frontend

I believe, that we could make a powerful extension to guixsd if we could do
an installation from an installation description.

I think this installation description should look like the operating-system
description we
already have.

This could make automated installations working, in an uniform way. I've
seen some efforts
on writing automated install scripts, but this could be a supported,
official way to do this.

We could even store this description, and bring some more state into the
scope of guixsd,
for example partitions could later be queried from the installation

Do you think this can work?
Do you think this is a good idea?

I believe that using this tool, and hacking a bit on booting, and providing
a few services
we might be able to create a really good quality bare-metal provisioning

This is one of the perspectives, that brought my attention to guix.

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