Marius Bakke <> writes:

> Amin Bandali <> writes:
>> As for the "lagging too far behind upstream" issue, that doesn't
>> seem to be the case anymore: looking at releases on [3] and [4]
>> it looks like ungoogled-chromium's latest shipped release matches
>> the latest released chromium version.  Granted, I have noticed in
>> the past for ungoogled-chromium to lag behind the latest release
>> by a week or two, that'd still be better compared to the current
>> situation with respect to the current Firefox/IceWeasel release.
> Indeed, Ungoogled have catched up pretty well and is a viable choice
> nowadays.  If it helps get Chromium into Guix I'm all for it.

I think it would be much better to explicitly use an upstream project
that is specifically focused on ongoing removal of spyware, than to rely
on Guix developers to do this ongoing work and to update our list of
cherry-picked patches with every update.

There is likely to come a time when our attention is elsewhere, and it
will sometimes be tempting to update our Chromium package without
properly researching whether additional spyware-removal patches should
be added.

What do you think?

Thanks for all of your hard work on this, Marius.


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