
On Mon, Sep 03, 2018 at 01:37:54PM +0200, Ricardo Wurmus wrote:
> The first question is what ARM hardware to buy; the second is where to
> host that hardware.  Here are some considerations:

concerning hosting, I could easily host one smaller machine (like the
Overdrive 1000) in my living room, Tobias has stepped up, and I suppose
other members of the Guix community could do so as well. So we would end
up with a somewhat distributed effort, which would be nice for resilience
and spreading system administration load. Currently the web page for
the Overdrive 1000 mentions 26 available units for 600U US$ plus shipping
and tax. The Overdrive 3000 is out of stock.

For more centralised options, we could host machines at Aquilenet; in
addition to the rack in the datacentre where they host bayfront, they
just opened a "free form hosting option". Prices are here:
Prices are more or less proportional to electricity consumption; they state
that for 30W on average we would need to pay 20€/month. Over a few years
of lifetime this would add up quite considerably, compared to the distributed


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