Not all all. I'm only (positively) surprised how quick you are and how
> much you do on your own.
Oh, thank you :) I though I was writing too much for help. And sometimes I
get a little bit discouraged by the timezone, we have around 4 hs
difference, and maybe when I get up you are already at midday.
I will be doing several things this week: I will be getting help with the
trip, I would like to make a new post to my blog about the pre-internship
experience, if it is ok, I would like to post that I will be attending
Guix-Days and FOSDEM.
I have taken a quick look to the wiki on libreplanet for video
documentation. I find it similar to Readmine somehow. Is it OK to add
internal links for my proposed timeline, for example, even though it will
be changing in the future, and other discussion stuff related to it?

Regards and thank you for your compliment again :)

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